Viasat Stockholm
Stockholm Sweden
Danmon Group has built Scandinavia’s first UHD Channel for Viasat Sports in Stockholm.
Viasat has launched the new Ultra HD Channel, the first Ultra-highdefinition television (UHD) channel in the Nordic Region.
The New UHD Sports Channel will feature selected live sport events in UHD starting with the Rio Olympics - Viasat is the Official Rio OL 2016 Broadcaster - and later include other select specially produced Ultra HD Sports productions including Soccer to Viasat customers throughout Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland via Satellite SES-5. Viasat also launched a new Ultra HD set-top box from Samsung and a TV-module for enable existing UHD TVs to display the channel.
At the same time, Danmon also built an additional HD Sports channel which is branded as Viasat’s new “Sport Premium” Channel.
Both projects were coordinated through the local Danmon Sweden office and implemented by Danmon Systems, and simultaneously built and tested in just over a month.
The projects included three new rooms: UHD Editing and Control, Voice Over and HD Sports Control. There was also an extensive upgrade of the existing DHD Audio Mixer and Router, the Imagine Platinum Video Router, as well as a rebuilding of the Pebble Beach Neptune Automation System and more.
The entire project was completed by Danmon on time and on budget with an On-Air launch at the start of August 2016.
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